The bitterness and personal conflicts between spouses can be some of the negative effects of a divorce. While it may seem common for many readers in Worcester, Massachusetts, to be exposed to that type of situation, spouses should bear in mind that how they treat their ex-spouses may hurt them along the way, particularly if they choose co-parenting.
Co-parenting or joint custody is the kind of child custody agreement that requires both parents to share responsibility for their children. Co-parenting can actually benefit the children; however, this kind of setting can become a battleground for ex-spouses to be hostile and rude to each other.
In the event of divorce, choosing to be co-parents may help the children adjust to the transition from a once-intact family to two separate households. To make co-parenting work, good communication is necessary. Spouses may initiate a good gesture toward the other spouse, particularly during visitation nights and parenting time. Any opportunity that may fuel an argument should be put aside. Parents need to learn how to accept their mistakes and apologize, if necessary.
They should also express to the children the good qualities that the other parent has, regardless of the fact that they are no longer married to each other. In doing so, the children may realize that co-parenting is a good thing after all and that they are loved even though their parents live separately. These kind gestures may be difficult at first, but seeing how it may help the children cope with the divorce can be worthwhile for the parents.
During and after a Massachusetts divorce, child custody is an important part of the process because it will determine the parental rights and responsibilities. Although former spouses quarrel and disagree sometimes regarding this matter, focusing on what is best for the child is more important than their personal issues.
Source: Huffington Post, “Want an Easier Divorce? 15 Ways to Take the High Road!,” Jackie Pilossoph, Aug. 30, 2013