Among the countless apps you can find in Google Play or Apple’s App Store are applications to help you buy groceries and cars here in Worcester, as well as apps to help you find a job, restaurant, pet and even a spouse. And if you are a parent facing a divorce, you...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: October 2019
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How does child custody work across state lines?
In Massachusetts, parents may receive physical and legal custody on a joint or sole basis. For those parents sharing custody under a true joint custody agreement, they may not be able to move outside the state and maintain their current agreement. Consulting the court...
What if you suspect your spouse is hiding assets in a divorce?
Divorce can be messy. If you are barely speaking to your spouse after filing, your emotions and theirs likely are on alert anytime you interact with each other. Divorce also can be complex, especially if you and your spouse have a complicated financial portfolio, with...