When going through divorce, not all Massachusetts couples want to litigate the matter. Some just want to settle things through private negotiations or other alternative dissolution methods. This is completely understandable. When it comes to getting certain items...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: June 2017
Those in domestic partnerships can seek legal protections
Not every couple in Massachusetts chooses to get married. Not everyone believes that marriage is necessary. It is possible to just live together and build a wonderful life. However, without certain legal protections in place, those in domestic partnerships open...
Can extracurriculars be covered with child support?
A lot of parents in Massachusetts do what they can to help their children grow and develop their talents. This is why so many children are involved in quite a few extracurricular activities. These, of course, come at a cost that can be quite substantial. Can...
Summertime parenting plans can be a bit of a pain
For many families in Massachusetts, summertime schedules change every year. This may not seem like a big deal, but if divorce enters the picture, it can have a significant impact on how summer schedules will work going forward. Parenting plans can be created that...
Can divorce mediation work when my spouse is being a bully?
If you are going through a divorce in Massachusetts or elsewhere and your spouse is being less than ideal throughout the process, you may feel that litigation is the only way in which your case can be resolved. This may not be true, however. Divorce mediation may...