While same-sex couples face similar stumbling blocks in their marriages as those faced by heterosexual couples, the legal obstacles are possibly more challenging. This is especially true when there are children involved in a same-sex divorce. Whether it is a couple in...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: May 2014
Are fathers’ claims of biased child custody decisions justified?
While many fathers have accused family courts of being biased, Massachusetts residents may disagree. However, recent media reports have created a new awareness of this perception about the role of fathers when it comes to child custody. Modern parents often want to...
Significant fiscal change may validate child support modification
Many Massachusetts people find that high levels of stress and emotion go hand in hand with the divorce process. It is not uncommon for parties in a divorce to agree to anything in an attempt to get it over and done with. However, this may come back to bite them, as...
Can’t keep up with child support payments? Apply for modification
It is not uncommon for non-custodial parents to experience difficult financial situations that were not anticipated when child support orders were issued by the family court. Massachusetts parents whose financial situation has changed significantly and caused their...