After a divorce, shared custody may feel like a burden. You both care about your little ones, but working together may give you some apprehension. How can you work together without arguing? According to Today's Parent, collaborating with your ex may help the two of...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: March 2022
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Do you recognize these signs of parental alienation?
You hoped for a favorable outcome for your children when you and your former spouse divorced. Lately, you noticed a rift forming between you and your kids. Perhaps you suspect the other parent wants to turn your children against you. Psychology Today explains what it...
How can you create an effective parallel parenting plan?
Divorce is sometimes the better alternative to staying in a hostile and painful relationship. As stated by Healthline, sometimes divorce does not end your communication with your former spouse. When you have children, you still need to retain some form of a...