In some divorce cases, though not all, one party may be awarded spousal support. Alimony payments, also referred to as spousal support, will be different in every situation, as certain factors are used to determine the support amount and duration of payments. The...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: December 2016
Laws regarding same-sex divorce
In Massachusetts and elsewhere, the increase in same-sex marriages over the last couple years has been accompanied by an influx in same-sex divorces. It is to be expected. No marriage is perfect, and divorce is sometimes the best answer when a marriage fails to...
Seek a child support adjustment rather than face jail time
In Massachusetts and elsewhere, there are numerous non-custodial parents who are behind on their child support payments. It happens, and when it does, custodial parents have the right to pursue enforcement options in an effort to collect. One form of enforcement is...
Garnishing wages is a form of child support enforcement
There are numerous custodial parents or legal guardians in the state of Massachusetts who may find collecting monetary support from non-custodial parents to be a challenging task. Thankfully, the state offers various enforcement options to help with this particular...
Dissolving domestic partnerships can be a challenge
Living together as domestic partners is a choice many couples in Massachusetts make. There are certainly advantages to this; however, when things do not work out, there are some disadvantages as well. Dissolving domestic partnerships can be challenging. In many...