What makes a parent a good parent? What is it that makes a parent prepared to tackle the monumental task of taking care of and molding a small human being into a strong and capable adult? According to some states, a parent's IQ matters and when it is not considered...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: November 2017
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Can breastfeeding affect child custody? The Nicole Curtis case
Whether a mother chooses to breast or bottle feed is a very personal decision. No one has the right to judge what she feels is best for herself and her baby. However, a recent child custody case has people in Massachusetts and elsewhere scratching their heads, as it...
Get help resolving your relocation-related custody dispute
Are you the primary custody holder of your children? Do you need to move, either out-of-state or several hours away from your current location in Massachusetts? Think you can just pick up and move without question? Think again. If your ex has any level of custody or...