You are going through a divorce and you have children. You just want to make sure your kids have what they need going forward and the state of Massachusetts agrees with you, which is why there is a basic calculation for determining how much child support should be...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: February 2019
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More people are choosing divorce mediation over litigation
Divorce litigation is not a thing of the past, as numerous individuals in Massachusetts still need to go to court to resolve certain issues regarding their dissolution settlements. However, more people are choosing to forgo litigation and are turning to divorce...
Can an alimony order be changed or canceled?
Following a divorce, it is not completely uncommon for one party to need spousal support to help him or her get back on his or her feet financially. The state of Massachusetts allows the awarding of alimony, usually on a temporary basis. After an alimony order is...