More and more couples in Massachusetts and elsewhere are filing for divorce when they are older than 50. Studies show that the number of divorces later in life has grown significantly since 1990. Many of these "gray divorces" follow first marriages and are not likely...
A Brighter Future Is Within Your Reach
Month: April 2015
Conflict resolution may avoid financial errors during divorce
Navigating a divorce through all its facets under Massachusetts laws is likely a traumatic experience for anyone involved. In addition to possible concerns about child custody, the financial implications during the time leading up to the divorce and afterward need to...
Fears about cost of child custody decrease as economy improves
During the recent recession, the U.S. Census Bureau reported a significant drop in the divorce rate. Now that the economic recovery is well under way, it is predicted that there will be a rise in divorce filings in Massachusetts and other states. The many stumbling...
Focus on the whole picture when drafting a divorce agreement
Massachusetts couples who are considering divorce sometimes focus on one aspect rather than looking at the whole picture. It is not uncommon for people to concentrate on the aspect that produces the highest level of contention, such as property division or child...