Many people in Massachusetts who consider filing for divorce explore ways in which contentious issues can be resolved without spending large amounts of money and without jeopardizing the existing relationships between parents and children. Most couples also prefer to keep personal information confidential rather than to air their issues in public. In contrast, some celebrities like Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards seem to have no qualms about sharing their child support and other issues with the world.
Sheen’s ex-wife claims to continue the fight for more child support because it is in the best interests of the children. In turn, Sheen accuses Richards of being greedy and claims that he is responsible for her current riches. Sheen’s legal counsel says his ex-wife had received as much $660,000 every year for nearly 10 years — all tax-free. Moreover, she reportedly received about $10 million after their brief marriage.
Sheen is now facing a $1.2 million lawsuit that was filed by his estranged wife for failing to provide the promised financial support for the children. He claims to have been paying her a tax-free amount of $55,000 per month but alleges she wants more money to buy a second home. She currently has a $7 million residence. While Richards maintains the additional money is to spare the children the trauma of their battles, Sheen maintains her contentions has nothing to do with the children.
Parents nationwide, including those in Massachusetts, have several methods available to end a marriage. Although litigation is the only way to resolve issues such as child support in some cases, there are ways to approach a litigated divorce that may spare the children some of the trauma. Selecting to use the services of an experienced divorce attorney may provide some understanding of other available options that may allow both spouses, each with their own legal counsel, to come to mutual agreements that will be in the best interests of the children.
Source:, “Charlie Sheen Slams Denise Richards, Calls Ex Wife ‘Greedy’ For Wanting Child Support”, Graciela Bufi, Jan. 25, 2016