Figuring out finances after a divorce can be challenging. Many individuals in Massachusetts may be eligible to receive alimony, which can certainly help them stay on their feet as they work to rebuild their lives. There are times, though, after a divorce is finalized, that the payer or recipient may question whether the amount of alimony the court ordered can be changed.
The amount of alimony or spousal support, as it is often called, that is granted and for how long it is to be provided will be different in every case. It is not a benefit to which everyone is entitled. However, it can be a financial life-saver for those who do qualify to receive it.
In Massachusetts, alimony may be awarded for a short period of time or for a lifetime. Temporary support may be awarded to supply funds during divorce proceedings and for a set period of time after the dissolution of a marriage is finalized. A lifetime order may be obtained if the necessary requirements for such an order have been met. After an alimony order has been signed off by a judge, there are reasons why one may want to seek a modification, such as after a change in circumstances that has been experienced. Such a modification is possible to achieve, though, it can be difficult.
There are many Massachusetts residents who may qualify for alimony modifications. If you believe that this applies to you, an experienced family law attorney will be able to review your case and file the appropriate requests in court. To learn more about post-decree alimony modifications, please take a moment and visit our firm’s website.