If you are one of the many Massachusetts residents who is ready to file for divorce and who wishes to utilize the mediation process, you may think that filing now and figuring things out along the way is the way to go. The truth is, before you start divorce mediation sessions, you should have a plan in place for how you are going to take care of yourself during the process and after your divorce is finalized. Divorce simply takes more preparation than people tend to realize.
Wondering how you can prepare for the mediation process? First, gather documentation regarding all assets. You cannot achieve a fair division of assets if you do not even know what assets are on the table to begin with.
Second, make monetary preparations. Not only does the mediation process cost money, but setting up a new house during or after all is said and done also costs money. Do you have the funds or credit to carry you through it all? If not, before filing for divorce is the time to get your finances in order.
Finally, just because you want to utilize the mediation process does not mean you have to do so attorney free. You have the right to legal representation throughout your divorce proceedings regardless of how you choose to go about it. A Massachusetts-based family law attorney with experience handling divorce mediation cases can offer valuable insight to your case, help you go in fully prepared for what is to come and assist you in negotiating a fair and balanced divorce settlement. To learn more about mediation and how an attorney can be of assistance to you, please visit our firm’s website.