Many men and women in Massachusetts are in toxic relationships. Leaving a situation where domestic violence is an issue is not an easy thing to do. Victims often feel they are not worthy of anything better — that is not true. Freeing oneself from an abusive relationship, though difficult to do, can be the best thing for oneself and one’s children. However, there may be some child support issues that need to be addressed for safety reasons that are not an issue in cases where domestic violence is not a problem.
When leaving an abusive spouse or partner, for one’s safety and the safety of one’s children, it is good to not share the details of one’s new living arrangements. No one wants to worry about an abusive ex showing up at their door. Unfortunately, when collecting child support, it is necessary to supply one’s new address to the state. This makes the information readily available to one’s ex.
Thankfully, for victims of domestic violence, there are steps that can be taken to keep one’s address from getting into an ex’s hands. The Department of Revenue can set up the account in a particular way in order to ensure privacy. For those interested, the DOR also offers information about a number of resources available to domestic violence victims.
Divorcing an abusive spouse can be a scary and challenging thing to do. Working out a divorce settlement that includes a fair child support order can take time. Legal counsel is here to help domestic violence victims in Massachusetts work through their marriage dissolutions as quickly as possible and in a safe environment.